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Night Guard Care

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1. Rinse the night guard with cool water. After each use, simply run cool water over the night guard to rinse off any particles that may have accumulated with wear. Make sure to use cool water, as hot water may distort the actual form of the device, creating a looser fit than needed.

2. Submerge the night guard in mouthwash. To better clean your night guard, submerge the device in a bowl of antiseptic mouthwash and then rinse under cool water.

3. Brush out the night guard with toothpaste. If you really want to make sure the night guard is clean, you can use a soft bristle toothbrush and regular toothpaste to gently brush out the device. Again, rinse under cool water.

4. Store your night guard in its protective case. Most night guards will come with their own protective case for easy storage between times of use. This will ensure that the night guard remains clean and undamaged.