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Post Wisdom Teeth Extraction

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  • Post Wisdom Teeth Extraction
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The removal of impacted wisdom teeth and surgical extraction of teeth is quite different from the extraction of erupted teeth. The following conditions may occur, all of which are considered normal:

  • 1. The surgical area will swell.
  • 2. Swelling peaks on the second or third day after the extraction.
  • 3. Trismus (stiffness) of the muscles may make it difficult to open your mouth for a few days.
  • 4. Your other teeth may ache temporarily. This is referred pain and is a temporary condition.
  • 5. Your temperature may elevate slightly for 24 to 48 hours. If this temperature elevation continues, notify us.
  • 6. There will be sutures (stitches) in the extracted site which will be removed after 7 days.

To Control Bleeding Immediately following the procedure, keep steady pressure on the bleeding area by biting firmly on the gauze placed there by your surgeon. Pressure helps reduce bleeding and permits formation of a clot in the tooth socket. Gently remove the compress after the local anesthesia has worn off and normal feeling has returned.

To Relieve Take medication as directed by your surgeon to minimize discomfort when the anesthesia wears off and feeling is back to normal.

To Minimize Swelling Apply an ice bag over the affected area. Use 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for 2 hours to help prevent development of excessive swelling and discomfort. If an ice bag is unavailable, simply fill a heavy plastic bag with crushed ice. Tie end securely and cover with a soft cloth to avoid skin irritation.

Oral Hygiene is Important Twenty-four hours after surgery, rinse your mouth gently with a solution of one-half teaspoonful of salt dissolved in a glass of water. Repeat after every meal or snack for seven days. Rinsing is important because it removes food particles and debris from the socket area and thus helps prevent infection and promote healing.

Remember You may eat any soft foods that do not irritate. You may chew if it is not too uncomfortable to do so. You will probably lose parts of the dressing around the teeth as your ability to chew improves, but this should not bother you.